Sexual Assault Statistics
- 6.3 million Texans have experienced some form of sexual assault in their lifetime1
- 2 in 5 women in Texas have been sexually assaulted1
- 1 in 5 men in Texas have been sexually assaulted1
- The Majority of sexual assaults occur near or within the victims Home4
- 55% were at home
- 15% were in an open public area
- 12% were at a relative’s home
- 10% were at an enclosed public area
- 8% were at school or work
What was the survivor doing when the crime occurred?4
- 48% were sleeping, or performing another activity at home
- 29% were traveling to and from work or school, or traveling to shop or run errands
- 12% were working
- 7% were attending school
- 5% were doing an unknown or other activity
- In 9 out of 10 sexual assaults, the victim knew their offender.
- 93% of child victims of sexual assault knew their offender.4
- 59% were acquaintances
- 34% were family members
- 7% were strangers to the victim
Most perpetrators of sexual assault are never held accountable for their crime!
- 91% of sexual assault victims did not report to law enforcement1
- Over 94% of rapists roam free with only 3% ever spending a day in jail4
Of the sexual violence crimes reported to police from 2005-2010, the survivor reporting gave the following reasons for doing so:4
- 28% to protect the household or victim from further crimes by the offender
- 25% to stop the incident or prevent recurrence or escalation
- 21% to improve police surveillance or they believed they had a duty to do so
- 17% to catch/punish/prevent offender from reoffending
- 6% gave a different answer, or declined to cite one reason
- 3% did so to get help or recover loss
Of the sexual violence crimes not reported to police from 2005-2010, the victim gave the following reasons for not reporting:4
- 20% feared retaliation
- 13% believed the police would not do anything to help
- 13% believed it was a personal matter
- 8% reported to a different official
- 8% believed it was not important enough to report
- 7% did not want to get the perpetrator in trouble
- 2% believed the police could not do anything to help
- 30% gave another reason, or did not cite one reason
Statistic References:
1. Busch-Armendariz, N.B., Olaya, D., Kerwick, M., Wachter, K. & Sulley, C. (2015). Health and well-being: Texas statewide sexual assault prevalence. The University of Texas at Austin, Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: Austin, Texas
2.Retrieved from:
3. Madigan, T. (2012). The serial rapists is not who you think. Star Telegram Online Retrieved from:
4. Retrieved from: